Friday, July 6, 2007

Scurrying Around

I was sitting in the sun this morning after my morning devotions and I watched an ant scurry across the territory by my feet. He was dashing here and there covering some of the same territory over and over again. Feeling rather "majestic" after my encounter with the Creator of the universe (and little ants) I said, "Where are going Mr. Ant and what are you looking for?" Well, I apparently wasn't that majestic to hear his response, so I just continued to watch his apparently fruitless search. (How do I know.) The episode did remind me of many humans that I know of who are doing the same. Scurrying around, frantically looking for something to fulfill their emptiness yet not finding what they are looking for, maybe because they don't even know what they are looking for. I was that way once, but I pointed my antenna to the cross of Christ and found what I was looking for; forgiveness of my sins, peace of mind, tranquility, a purpose for my life, and a secure future. All those blessings are yours, also, just for the asking. Amazing, isn't it?
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see!"